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Decoding 7 Types of Wrinkles—And Their Treatments

Here’s everything you need to know about different types of wrinkles and how to best treat and prevent them.

Have you started noticing wrinkles and lines on your once supple, taut complexion? Even if you have an elaborate skincare routine, aging is inevitable. While anti-aging serums and treatments like neurotoxin injections can slow down the aging process, there is a reason why you aren’t seeing spectacular results. Not all wrinkles are created equal. So, in order to treat them, you need to understand the different types. Wrinkles on your face are divided into two main categories:

● Dynamic wrinkles

Dynamic wrinkles are those caused by facial movements, such as squinting, smiling and furrowing of the brow. Specific examples include the crow’s feet and glabellar lines, as these are caused by repeated movement. Neurotoxin injections are very effective in treating dynamic wrinkles.

● Static wrinkles

Static wrinkles begin to form when your skin begins to lose elasticity with age and succumbs to the force of gravity. Laugh lines, marionette lines and the nasolabial folds are examples of static wrinkles. And did you know dynamic wrinkles can become static wrinkles over time?

From glabellar lines to crow’s feet, here are some common types of lines and creases that can crop up on your face:

● Forehead wrinkles

Forehead wrinkles are horizontal creases that appear on your forehead. Because brows are responsible for so many of our expressions, lines and folds on the forehead are very common. If left untreated, these wrinkles can evolve into wavy furrows in the forehead.

How to treat forehead wrinkles: Frax Flash, a laser skin resurfacing treatment at Biolite, is an excellent option for forehead wrinkles. The laser causes controlled damage to your skin, taking advantage of its ability to heal itself and stimulate collagen production.

● Glabellar lines

Frown lines, also known as the glabellar lines, are vertical lines that appear between your brows. Glabellar lines are categorized as dynamic wrinkles as they are caused by repeated muscle contraction. Factors like your face shape, skin tightness, genetics and how often you make certain expressions can also lead to glabellar lines.

How to treat glabellar lines: When it comes to treating wrinkles on the forehead, neurotoxin treatments can give incredible results.

● Crow’s feet

The lines spreading out from the corners of your eyes are known as Crow’s feet. Crow's feet form over time as a result of tiny muscle contractions caused by facial expressions.

How to treat crow’s feet: Chemical peels can improve the appearance of crow’s feet and give you younger, healthier-looking skin (Try Vi peel at Biolite).

● Bunnies

The fine lines that form on either side of your nose as you wrinkle it are called "bunny lines." Bunny lines, like many other types of facial wrinkles, are created by repeated facial expressions.

How to treat bunnies: Microneedling is a popular anti-aging treatment. This wrinkle treatment involves pricking your skin with very fine, short, sterilized needles for skin rejuvenation and collagen production.

● Marionette lines

Marionette lines run vertically between the mouth and chin and can cause sagging in the lower half of your face. These are categorized as static wrinkles as they develop on the lower half of your face due to collagen and elastin loss. Gravity can also make your skin saggy, thus making marionette lines more prominent.

How to treat marionette lines: Microdermabrasion can effectively treat marionette lines. The simple and quick procedure uses a special applicator with an abrasive surface to gently sand away the thick outer layer of the skin to rejuvenate it.

● Laugh lines

Laugh lines are a non-scientific word for nasolabial folds. They are the vertical lines that run from the sides of the nose and curve around the mouth.

How to treat laugh lines: If you are concerned about your smile lines, we recommend getting dermal fillers. Hyaluronic acid-containing fillers can  improve the appearance of these lines.

● Lip lines

Lip lines, commonly known as smoker’s lines, are the vertical lines that form along the upper lip. We move our mouths to speak, smile, breathe and eat. And with time and movement, these lines emerge.

How to treat lip lines: We recommend trying lip fillers to treat lip lines. When injected superficially, fillers will plump up the skin and fill in the lines without giving you a bulky, unnatural appearance.

To learn more about these wrinkle treatments, visit Biolite or schedule a consultation with us. You can speak to us on +971 4 346 6641, email on, or schedule an appointment here.

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